Ashley Judd Performs “Nasty Woman” Poem By 19 Year-Old Nina Donovan

AJ Nasty Women

The compelling beat-style speech was written by a teenage girl from Tennessee.

Along with millions of others across the world, Ashley Judd took part in the Women’s March on Jan. 21. She delivered an impassioned speech at the Washington, D.C. protest, fiercely declaring that she is proud to be “nasty,” but she is “not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance and white privilege.” Depending on their beliefs, viewers both applauded her for her empowering other women and criticized her use of vulgar words. Regardless, Judd was reciting a poem penned by 19 year-old Nina Donovan, who performed her original piece at the State of the Word last year. Many have sent their applause to Donovan through comments on her YouTube video (shown below) and on Twitter.

Ashley Judd

Instagram/Photo: @ashley_judd

Twitter: @ashleyjudd

Nina Donovan

Twitter: @ninathehyena