Joss Whedon’s Planned Parenthood Short


What would our world really look like if we didn’t have Planned Parenthood?

Pretty bleak, that’s what. Joss Whedon’s short film depicts a dark fictional America where a high school senior cannot attend her dream school because she did not have access to birth control, another young girl who ends up catching an STD, and another woman who could have caught her cancer before it actually became terminal. In all of these situations, Planned Parenthood does not exist.

Although this is only a short film, it is also something that could quite possibly happen in the future, and a reality that we might be facing today. Ever since Donald Trump has promised to defund the very organization that has helped so many women across the nation, Planned Parenthood has been the center of the political conversation. It is more important than ever to watch, and realize that this is a world we cannot face.

Instagram/Photo: @plannedparenthood

Twitter: Joss Whedon