Fifth Harmony Performs on Good Morning America


Fifth Harmony just released their “Down”, featuring Gucci Mane—without Camilla Cabello.

However, even without the strong vocals of Cabello, the song sounds like it will be a summer hit.

They recently performed for Good Morning America, and they looked pretty awesome, wearing an ensemble outfit of black and blue jeans. According to USA Today, the song is reminiscent of their other hit, “Work from Home”, “borrowing its melodic bounce and repetitive chorus”. It does sound pretty similar, but all the more addictive and catchy.

The single came about a month after Cabello released her solo single, “Crying in the Club”. Fifth Harmony has always been the embodiment of girl power. So it comes as no surprise that their new single is awesome.  Although the band and Cabello are reaching towards different musical goals, it still looks like they are pursuing their dreams. Best of luck to each of them!

Instagram/Photo: @fifthharmony

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