Alyson Hannigan Says She Hated the HIMYM Ending Too
Remember when How I Met Your Mother ended?
And remember when you and your friends ultimately felt a little betrayed after seeing Barney and Robin split and having to go through a nasty divorce, Ted’s wife Tracy AKA the mother die from a mysterious type of cancer, and then Ted and Robin get back together? All of that character development (and basically most of season nine) was pretty much useless.
Well it looks like Alyson Hannigan, who played Lily, ended up hating the ending as much as all the devoted fans did. In a recent interview with, Hannigan explained how the finale wasn’t the true portrayal of what was supposed to play out on screen:
“I was bummed they didn’t just make it a two-hour season-ender, so they would get to show certain parts [that were cut]. The table read for the finale was so good, and so right, but it was also like 14 hours long. So when I actually saw the final version of the show, I was like “they cut out everything!”
Don’t be disappointed, even the actress herself admitted that it would have probably felt like “slap in the face” for fans that saw the show finish in the way that it did. At least we have some form of closure?
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