Director Patty Jenkins Confirmed For Wonder Woman 2

Praised for her amazing body acceptance, and realistic portrayal of women in the filming of Wonder Woman, Patty Jenkins confirmed to ‘Wonder Woman’ fans that she will indeed be returning for the next film.

The ‘Wonder Woman’ film received countless praises and was uniquely one of Hollywood’s most female empowering moves since Lynda Carter’s TV series. The movie smashed expectations and became one of the largest box office hit of comic book movies. It was easy to see why it did so well.

Director, Patty Jenkins, did something nearly unheard of in films. She didn’t photoshop the women’s bodies. No wrinkle, nor stomach roll, or minor “imperfection” was removed during post-production of the film. She broke an out-dated mold, and we couldn’t be more invested in her accomplishments for all women.

We’re glad to see Jenkins returning for the next movie of the franchise, and have high hopes she will continue her progressive dismantling of the image that women’s bodies should be a specific way. A body image that has caused harm to many girls and women from eating disorders to anxiety disorders.

The biggest voices, such as Hollywood directors, can make massive impacts on youth and other individuals as a whole. Watching Jenkins disregard the “ideal” woman’s body by Hollywood standards, is uplifting for all genders, and we’re happy to see realistic visuals of women doing amazing feats.

Congratulations, Patty Jenkins on the upcoming movie! We’re anticipating another record breaking release, and we couldn’t be more excited.

If you would like to keep up with Patty Jenkins and the Wonder Woman franchise to see when the new movie will release to theaters, follow on social media!

Twitter: @PattyJenks

Photo credit / Instagram: @WonderWomanFilm