Trevor Jackson is On Fire with Benz + My Wallet

Trevor Jackson has new music.
With so many current and upcoming projects, it’s no wonder Jackson is settling in with his pup for a long needed nap. The singer/songwriter just released his single “Benz and My Wallet” last week, as he’s still working on his upcoming album.

The latest single describes a love lost. Someone he was dating seems to have stolen his Benz and his wallet scarring him during the breakup. Who would do such a thing? Make sure to check it out on itunes or Spotify and by watching below.

With the release of  “Burning Sands” this year, depicting how savage the hazing process is during college fraternity initiations, being named Ebony’s “25 Young Guns of Black Hollywood” recently, and still shooting for “blackish,” this young phenomenon has a lot of potential ahead of him and he’s proving that he represents star power.

Make sure to check out Trevor as he stars in an upcoming television series Grownish, which stems from the original series Blackish, and is set to premiere sometime next year.

Check out Jackson’s latest news on his Instagram and Twitter pages to stay up to date.

Instagram/ Photo Credit: @trevorjackson5

Twitter: @trevorjackson5