A ‘Bob’s Burgers’ Film is Coming in 2020
This comedy show will soon hit the big screens.
This thriller show follows the life of the Belcher family and their struggling burger restaurant. After premiering in 2011, this Emmy award-winning show has made its way into the hearts of millions. Fox announced that there will be a film made in 2020 continuing the animation series. Becoming a known family show, the news of a movie release is exciting.
Bob’s Burgers is known for their raunchy humor and family bonding experience it brings. This animated show presents a family trying to work together while also trying to keep a business going. In the midst of this, we get hilarious jokes and life lessons to use in the real world.
We are excited to see Bob’s Burgers in a film version. This movie will for sure leave our stomachs hurting.
Stay up to date with the show by following their social media.
Instagram/Photo: @bobsburgersfox
Twitter: @BobsBurgersFOX
My name is Amira Borders and I am a junior at the University of Oregon. I am a team worker and dependable in work settings. I believe I can be a true leader at any time. I hope to graduate from the University of Oregon in the Spring of 2019 with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Business. I would like to work somewhere in the media professions whether it’s magazines, radio, advertising or PR.