Nick Jonas Remixes The Jonas Brothers’ Classic ‘Lovebug’

The thirteen-year-old Jonas Brothers’ fan within all of us is swooning.

Ever since the days of collecting everything related to the boy band, the youngest member of the trio has always had a special place in our hearts.

Just recently Nick had us all nostalgic as he remixed the group’s hit song, “Lovebug.” He was answering questions for fans in his latest video, and of course, the inevitable dating question came up. A fan was wondering how to make a relationship “official” on Instagram/social media. What good is a piece of advice from Nick Jonas though if he isn’t singing it?

Nick revamped the classic song for his answer, bringing it into 2017 for sure. He couldn’t have achieved this remake without a slight reference to social media, singing, “… so would you post a picture of us on the coastline / Maybe we could go a long time if you post the ‘gram / Just one photo of you and I all cuddled up looking like a couple pups / Yeah, do it for the ‘gram.”

This is classic Nick, turning a dating question into a new hit single.

Nick is expected to release new music this year, so stay tuned for that and more from him.

Follow Nick on social media to stay up to date.

Instagram/Photo: @nickjonas

Twitter: @nickjonas