Photographer Terry Richardson Loses Ties with Major Publications

The New York based photographer has a long list of notable clients, from Lady Gaga to Jared Leto.However, his list of clients is about the same length as the list of accusations against him. Richardson’s antics and questionable methods have come across as controversial to many in the industry, as he has had models walk out on him after he put them in uncomfortable situations. A Canadian model back in 2001 was asked to do sex acts on top of men who weren’t models, but instead Richardson’s friends.

Richardson also made the crude statement back in 2007 that read if someone wanted to make it in the modelling industry, “it’s not who you know, it’s who you blow. I don’t have a hole in my jeans for nothing.”

Over a decade after the misogynistic actions began, Richardson has finally been given the boot by magazines like Vogue and Vanity Fair. Publisher Conde Nast International reportedly sent an email out to all of its employees about the photographer, reading, “Any shoots that have been commission[ed] or any shoots that have been completed but not yet published, should be killed and substituted with other material.”

Conde Nast has neither confirmed or denied the authenticity of the leaked email.

The move by the publishers comes weeks after the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke. The difference between the publisher and the Weinstein scandal though is that models and other women within the industry have spoken out against Richardson plenty of times throughout the 21st century and nothing was done about it.

Should the publisher have acted sooner against Richardson? Is Conde Nast acting in self preservation at this point, after working with him for so many years?

Check out what twitter had to say below.


Photo Credit: Shutterstock