Twitter De-Verifies White Supremacists’ Accounts

Twitter is taking a stand against white supremacy and the acknowledgement of its hateful leaders.Twitter announced that it was updating its blue check verification process yesterday, before it went ahead and started revoking the verification of accounts.

Twitter Support came back online later, clarifying their recent updates. “Verification has long been perceived as an endorsement. We gave verified accounts visual prominence on the service which deepened this perception. We should have addressed this earlier but did not prioritize the work as we should have.”

Twitter said that any accounts that did not fall within their new guidelines would have their blue check revoked. This includes accounts that are, “Promoting hate and/or violence against, or directly attacking or threatening other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease. Supporting organizations or individuals that promote the above.”

Of course, supporters of the alt-right movement would fall within this category. So far, white supremacists Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler have had their accounts de-verified, while the account Baked Alaska has been suspended altogether for their hateful rhetoric.

Both men were furious with the actions of Twitter, believing that the change was a direct attack to “censor” them as Jason Kessler (Unite the Right Rally organizer) told his followers.

Anyone else wondering how long it will take for them to be kicked off of Twitter once and for all?

Photo/ Instagram: @twitter