People Want This Painting Removed from New York’s Met Museum
Due to the string of sexual assaults that have plagued the news lately, many believe that the art museum needs to remove the painting.
The 1938 piece by Balthus titled “Thérèse Dreaming” depicts a young girl napping in a chair. However, the nonchalant manner of the girl leaning back gives the viewer a glimpse of her underwear.
Balthus. Sleeping Theresa. 1938. Oil on canvas. The Metropolitan Museum.
— AlexGres (@AlexGres13) December 6, 2017
A petition was created on Monday and has gained over 9,000 signatures. The petition’s page reads, “Given the current climate around sexual assault and allegations that become more public each day, in showcasing this work for the masses without providing any type of clarification, The Met is, perhaps unintentionally, supporting voyeurism and the objectification of children.”
The petition stirred up enough attention to gain that of the Metropolitan itself, but they declined to remove the piece.
Museum spokesperson Ken Weine stated, “Moments such as this provide an opportunity for conversation, and visual art is one of the most significant means we have for reflecting on both the past and the present and encouraging the continuing evolution of existing culture through informed discussion and respect for creative expression.”
What do you think of the Met’s decision?