The Man Who Inspired the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Dies at 46
In just two months back in 2014, the icy cold challenge brought in $114 million for the fight against ALS.
The challenge got its start by golfer Chris Kennedy. Cousin of Jeanette Senerchia, the athlete wanted to bring awareness to the disease that was slowly taking Jeanettes’s husband, Anthony, away from her.
The rest is history as the challenge was dubbed the ALS ice bucket challenge, collecting donations for groups like the ALS Association. Both regular people and celebrities such as Niall Horan got in on the action while raising awareness.
Unfortunately, Anthony passed away after his 14-year battle with ALS on Saturday. His wife in statement said, “It’s a difficult disease and tough when you’re losing… Your body is failing you. But he was a fighter… He was our light. He made our life better.”
We hope that Anthony may rest in peace, and that his family finds comfort in knowing the impact he has made for the advances in treatment for ALS.
We mourn the loss of Anthony Senerchia Jr. and thank his family, who helped the #ALSicebucketchallenge go viral, for sharing so much of themselves as they helped others. cc @alsassociation @ionacollege @PQuinnfortheWin @ALSIceChallenge
— nancy cutler (@nancyrockland) November 27, 2017