Ruby Rose Fights Back Against Acne Shamers


“This acne belongs to me, not them, and you are welcome to it,” Ruby Rose stated.

Recently, Ruby Rose went on a promo tour in Australia for her new film Pitch Perfect 3 and while on it she received some backlash for her acne. People reportedly shamed her and made a mockery out of the current breakout Rose was dealing with on her face. In response to this, Rose decided to fight back on her Instagram story. “Yeah it sucks… for me, I don’t see how it’s bothering so many others? but I’m a human. It happens…” Rose stated.

Breakouts are something that happens to almost everyone and Rose wanted fans to know that even your favorite celebrity faces these challenges. Though this is not the first time Rose decided to stand up to insensitive trolls, not too long ago people began to criticize her about her weight. She decided to use that moment as a way to increase awareness of eating disorders and the dangers of body shaming.

Seeing celebrities deal with issues we deem as the worst is the best thing they can do with their platform. Rose is truly a beauty with and without the acne and that is how all people should feel about themselves.