Netflix’s Attempt to Copy Spotify Backfires

Netflix Media Center

We’re not going to lie – we love when Spotify gives us our year-end stats.

It may remind us that we listened to a total of thirteen days worth of music this year or that our top song was “Africa” by Toto. As cringe worthy as our stats may be, they make for some of the most hilarious advertisements that Spotify could put out.

The music streaming group launched its “thanks 2016, it’s been weird” billboards last year that had people chuckling on social media.

They continued the tradition this year as well and have not disappointed their fans.

Seeing how well these ads have gone for Spotify, Netflix decided to go with a similar take for one of their tweets.

Instead of being met with laughing face emojis as Netflix hoped, people were totally creeped out by the stat.

A representative from Netflix released a statement saying that the tweet “represents overall viewing trends, not the personal viewing information of specific, identified individual.”

Well…at least you tried Netflix.