People Are Demanding That Logan Paul Be Banned from Youtube

This past week Logan Paul, a popular Youtube Vlogger, went to the well know “Suicide Forest” in Japan and taped it, edited it and uploaded it for views.
His plan was to stay overnight in the woods in hopes of capturing ghosts. What he actually got was way more than what he ever wanted to experience. The video, that has since been taken down, shows Logan and his friends laughing and joking while getting ready to walk through the woods. Their trips go south when they walk upon a very sad site, a deceased body. Rather than stop taping, they did the opposite.
This video has become one of the most hated things to ever be posted and Logan Paul has also come under fire for the lack of respect he showed in the video. What we all can learn from Logan’s actions is this. If you ever visit an area with such a dark and serious history, do not show any disrespect by making jokes about it, filming it and uploading it for views. Most people already have proper etiquette and were raised with decency, but for those who don’t or didn’t get the memo, there’s your warning.
Suicide is not anything to joke about. Depression is a serious mental illness that a lot of people battle with every day.
There are better ways to bring awareness to such a serious issue other than trying to take a joking and light-hearted take on a very serious area. Logan Paul has issued an apology for his actions but many are calling for him to be banned from Youtube with a petition that has reached half a million signatures.
Logan also uploaded and released another questionable video mocking the people of Japan and acting obnoxious. Many are questioning why this influencer is famous because much of his content has been deplorable.
Turns out, Logan Paul’s trip to Japan was problematic for many reasons 😡
— We The Unicorns (@wetheunicorns) January 5, 2018
Depression has started to become less of a taboo and is helping let many people get the help they need. Even with this issue being more well known, there are still people who have trouble seeking help. If you or anyone you know is struggling 1-800-273-8255 is the number for the suicide prevention hotline.