Mark Hamill’s Adoration for Kelly Marie Tran


Star Wars‘ star, Mark Hamill thinks very highly of Kelly Marie Tran.

Hamill gave a shout out on Twitter to his The Last Jedi co-star for “no particular reason” but to express his admiration of the actress. He spoke of Tran’s “brilliant performance in The Last Jedi” as Resistance maintenance worker, Rose Tico.

A member of the original Star Wars trilogy, Hamill returned to his role as Luke Skywalker in the latest installment.

He continued the cute tweet stating that Tran was “almost criminally adorable and goofy enough to geek out” with Chelsea Hamill, who is Mark’s daughter.

Kelly Marie Tran, a Vietnamese-American, made history in The Last Jedi as she portrayed the first major Asian character in the franchise. Fans thrilled responses have brought Tran joy and allowed for open discussions on diversity.

In the past, the Star Wars‘ legend has expressed admiration for other newcomers to the franchise, including John Boyega and Dasiy Ridley.

The tweet ends with him mentioning that Tran is almost like a second daughter, who he loves madly.

If only Luke and Rose could meet each other one day!