Donald Trump Claims He Would Run into School During Shooting


On Monday, the POTUS stated that he would run into a school building if he heard gunshots, even if he were unarmed.

“You don’t know until you test it, but I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon. And I think most of the people in this room would have done that, too,” stated Trump during his recent CPAC conference. He also criticized Scot Peterson for staying outside the school during the shooting.

Later that afternoon, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders clarified the president’s statement, saying that he meant he would act as a leader during a shooting.

Seth Meyers thought differently. During his “Closer Look” segment on his late night show, he tells Trump, “Nothing about that is believable. Forget running into a school to confront a shooter; I don’t believe you’d run anywhere, period. You can’t even be bothered to walk down a flight of stairs.”

Stephen Colbert was equally unimpressed by Trump’s claim. Referring to the fact that Trump dodged being drafted into the Vietnam War five times, one of which was for his “bone spurs,” he said, “Look, sir, we already know how you react to combat situations. You got five deferments from Vietnam. What are you gonna do, run in there and stab ’em with your bone spurs?” He also questioned whether or not Trump was even physically capable of running.

Twitter users also found his statement hard to believe. Check them out below.