John Legend and Chrissy Teigen Partner Up for the Funniest ‘Google Duo’ Ad


You’ll thank this marketing scheme.

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen make up one of Hollywood’s most beloved couples and we can understand why. The Grammy award-winning singer and cover model are the beautiful parents to Luna and have a baby boy on the way- but that’s another story.

Meanwhile, earlier this week John shared a tweet/ad featuring his wife. While we may choose to skip and ignore all ads that come our way, this one caught our attention.

With a story line that has Chrissy acting as a personal stylist, we get a glimpse into (what must be) their real life. Known for her glamourous looks, it only seemed right.

To which, Chrissy quoted the tweet saying “*bows*”; it’s is only fitting. The Oscar-worthy performance which will force oohs and aahs from you is worth the watch. Even if you are not in need of a new cell phone or a new Google phone, maybe this advertisement will cause you to consider one.