Ryan Reynolds Sings in Unicorn Disguise

As a promotion for his new movie, Deadpool 2 star Ryan Reynolds, dressed in a sparkly cape and a colorful unicorn mask sang to the Annie classic “Tomorrow.”
Reynold’s competed in Korea’s King of Masked Songs, a talent series similar to The Voice. Contestants are disguised in masks to prevent the judges from revealing what they look like. Reynold’s, sporting a sparkly cape and a colorful unicorn mask blew the crowd (and us), away with his surprisingly good vocal skills. In the video, the crowd is seen clapping and dancing along to the tune of “Tomorrow.”
Here’s the amazing video.
Of course, the crowd had no idea that Reynolds was up to something and were genuinely surprised to see him on stage without the mask. Even his wife, Blake Lively, was shocked and had no idea that her husband was the one concealed in a unicorn costume. Good one, Ryan.
Get ready for more laughs because Deadpool 2 is set to premiere in theatres on May 18, 2018, two weeks earlier than the original date.