Donald Trump Cannot Block Twitter Users

We all know President Donald Trump has used his twitter fingers way to often then we would like.
Trump’s twitter wars and aggressive responses to his fellow Americans weren’t enough to get him in trouble. Except for this time. It was ruled on Wednesday by a federal judge in Manhattan, Trump cannot block twitter users for the political views they have expressed. According the judge it is a complete violation of the First Amendment and unconstitutional.
Jameel Jaffer had expressed his concerns, the knight Institute’s executive director, “ The president’s practice of blocking critics on Twitter is pernicious and unconstitutional, and we hope this ruling will bring it to an end.”
As social media starts to invade our privacy and consume our children’s time, the presence it has taken in our country has a whole has disrupted the actions of others around us. Technology is only making more advancements everyday. This is the first time in history a president had to be checked on Twitter for violating rights because what we put on the internet and what we do on the internet can truly deteriorate what we have built for ourselves. Do you think this is just another ploy to distract us from something much bigger or Trump just can’t stop tweeting because he is simply so good at it?
Hey there, just a fashion student working on herself while living her best life. Protecting my soul and drinking water. You can usually catch me with a book in my hands while wearing my head phones to silence out the noise of New York City.