Speaking It into Existence

Many of us want things in life that seem impossible. We have dreams we want to fulfill that we don’t ever think will become real because of what others say. A now Beyonce’ dancer proves how you should continue to follow your dreams.
Dominique Loude is a dancer, just like any other dancer was trying to make a name for herself. On her Instagram she posts her achievements and of course her dance videos, but one post stuck out. The picture that she posted was of Beyonce’ on February 12, 2017, with a caption that read, that after Queen Bey has her twins she will make a new album and thenBey will go on tour. She already claimed at the beginning of 2017 that she was going to be one of Beyonce’s dancers on this tour.
The odds were in her favor, because on April 22 of this year, she posts how thankful she is because she just performed for the second weekend with Beyonce’ at Coachella. Then two months later on June 12th, she posted a picture of her dancing with Beyonce’ on the On the Run Tour 2.

Dominique never gave up and spoke her dream into existence, and with hard work, she made her dream come true. She never gave up when she failed she kept pushing. Dominique not giving up on her dreams should motivate you to never to give up because even though it may take time as long as you are consistent, your dream will come true.