Kehlani Releases New Single Featuring TyDollaSign
Kehlani has gone through quite a bit this year!
From carrying out a healthy pregnancy to hosting a Beats1 podcast, and recording a mixtape; this beauty keeps busy and somehow has time to think of us!
Kehlani announced at the top of this week that she will be releasing a collaboration with TyDollaSign!
The track titled “Nights Like This” will be released Thursday, January 10th on Beats1 as Zane Lowe’s World Record.
The California natives have been friends for years as they have both been behind the scenes of the music industry for a while before they’ve made their move to the main stage.
Both fan bases have expressed a desire for this collaboration for a long time, so it’s great to see them finally making those dreams a reality!
Kehlani also posted several stills to her Instagram hinting at a music video for the single.
“Nights Like This” will air on Apple Music’s Beats1 Station at 10 A.M PST, 1 P.M EST, and 6 P.M LDN!