Greta Thunberg Sails the Ocean for Climate Change


Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old student and climate activist.

In 2018, she began protesting in her home country of Sweden about society’s need to resist climate change and began a school strike for climate. Her movement began to catch media attention and eventually spread internationally after the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dec. 2018.

In the year 2019, she has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, featured on the cover of Time magazine, and declared the greatest hazard to the fossil fuel industry by the Organization of the Petroleum Countries, among other notable events of media coverage.

She has also recently been featured in The 1975’s first single for their upcoming album Notes on a Conditional Form. The track will open the album and will be titled “The 1975.” It features Greta giving a spoken word type speech about climate change.

Now, Greta has begun her most recent journey to try and bring awareness to the vital state of the earth’s climate. At about 7:30 am PS, she set sail from Plymouth, UK on the Malizia II, captained by Boris Hermann. She is currently on her way to attend a UN climate summit in New York.

A crowd of people gathered to say farewell and send their support, with a couple people even playing violins.

Greta decided to take this two-week journey via Atlantic Ocean because traveling by air causes significant negative effects on the environment. She hopes this voyage will help convince people that climate change is real and needs to be taken seriously.