Jameela Jamil Strikes Back Against Unrealistic Body Standards

Photo: Todd Williamson/NBC

The Good Place’s Jameela Jamil champions body image once again.

Best known for her role in The Good Place, Jameela Jamil is also quite the knight in shining armor when it comes to women’s advocacy.

Recently, the body-positive celeb has accomplished something almost unheard of. As a TV actress, Jameela Jamil has previously spoken out about photo alterations, photoshop, and truly anything you could think of that Hollywood executives utilize to change women’s bodies in the media.

As of last week, Jameela posted a photo of herself and The Good Place castmates as they prepared for their final season. In this photo, Jamil highlighted her armpit skin spillage on the side of her dress. Instead of allowing this part of her body to be edited and smoothed out… Jameela insisted her natural body be kept as is.


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I’m aware this may not seem that deep, or “brave” but it’s a win for teenage and twenty something me who suffered with such obsessive body dysmorphia and fixation on anything society deemed a flaw. So it’s a little win for teenage anorexic me. 🤘🏽 Tag someone who needs to see this. We can break out of this prison of self hate together. ❤️ I love to expose all the shit that happens in this industry, to make us all feel sad, so you can see that it’s not you who is the problem, it’s THEM. To any other actors, influencers or models that follow me, please join me in this and fight back against the use of airbrushing that makes others try to reach standards that we a#ourselves can’t meet… ❤️ #freethebackfat

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We agree with you Jameela and are so proud of what you’re doing. Keep doing you.