Ashley Graham’s Selfie Inspires Body Acceptance

Ashley Graham is known for challenging the status quo of women’s bodies in the media.
However, she has inspired a new level of body positivity and acceptance. In her newest post, Graham shares her body in an angle stereotypically deemed bad, all with her stretch marks on show.
Hundreds of women have become inspired to post their “imperfections’ because of this selfie: fat rolls and stretch marks alike. Ashley Graham has gone through lengths to inspire women of all shapes, sizes, and colors since she began her career. But this time, Ashley took a stride to made to get squash the overwhelming culture of Fit-Teas and FaceTune that has fought tooth and fake-nail to continue the cycle of embarrassment to be in one’s own skin.
After viewing posts from a few dozen women sporting their stretchmarks and other relatively normal body imperfections, Ashley posted a short thank you on her Instagram story.
“Thank you so much for posting all of your stretch marks pre and post-pregnancy photos… whether or not you’ve had a baby or not. It’s truly inspiring. It’s inspired me so much,” Ashley spoke to her Instagram followers this morning.