Justin Bieber Performed at Churchome

Justin Bieber sang with Churchome praise team for Wednesday night service.
Justin Bieber isn’t shy about voicing his mental health battles with anxiety and faith on social media. He recently posted a video clip on Instagram mentioning the trials and tribulations he’s faced in life. His last album, Purpose, reflected on his spiritual journey and finding his purpose in his Christian faith. Justin and Hailey Bieber are also known to attend Hillsong and good friends with Pastor Carl Lentz, who rocks Justin’s brand “Drew.”
Justin has been a member of Churchome and Hillsong for a couple of years; however; this is the first time Justin has led praise and worship service. Justin and the rest of the praise team sung Marvin Sapp’s song “New Would Have Made It”, included in the clip Justin posted on Instagram. Justin also thanks Hailey Bieber for being a huge supporter and encourages his followers to try to remain positive through the bad difficult times in their life.
Justin is continuing his faith and becoming a positive beacon to his followers and fans.