How to Master Healthy Living in College

This semester you can eat good snacks and look like one too.

College is a time where temptation strikes in the form of free donuts, taco Tuesdays, and endless nap time. You may find it hard to stay healthy. Healthy living in college doesn’t just mean getting to the gym… Mental health and physical health go hand in hand. In order to beat that urge to get back in bed, or maybe even forget your thursday night dinner, here are some tips on how to stay healthy and motivated all semester.

Number one: get a workout buddy. Working out with a friend means you have someone to motivate you when you don’t feel like exercising. Best friends who workout together slay together. You don’t even have to go to the gym, rather turn on some Youtube yoga and boom, you’re good to go. 


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Number two: drink water. Drinking water is obviously so good for you, so put down that iced coffee and pick up that hydro flask. Water can clear your skin, flush toxins out of your system, and prevent you from overeating or oversleeping.

Number three: keep your brain sharp. Mental health is just as important as physical health, as we’ve said. Make sure you learn how to properly express your feelings, establish boundaries, and take a step back when you feel overwhelmed. Get to know your campus mental health center and save their number to your phone. Maybe even follow some Instagram therapists, social media can sometimes be helpful too. 

Everyone gets stressed out, especially college kids, but with the right resources and people, you can manage college life healthily.