The Series ‘Unbelievable’ Gives Hope


Unbelievable is a series intended for people to portray assault victims possessing their trauma in their own way.

Unbelievable paints a portrait of survivor-hood throughout the show geared towards sexual assault stories. It is a virtue of whether or not people believe their story. Despite the title, the series is a true story based on real events. The show unpacks the truth behind being denied healing, while also giving an element of support in a safe space. The eight-part series begins in 2008 with 18-year-old Marie Adler who plays as a victim. In her story, the police choose to not believe her testimony. As the show continues, more women speak up about the same thing happening to them as well. While the show touches on heavy topics, it also is a portrayal that gives people a voice, and shows how listening can make or break a life.

Watch the Trailer to the original series below.

Fans have taken to titter to describe how they feel about the new show. Here’s what people have been saying about it and why you should join the movement on watching this series.

Find out more at metoo.mtv.com 

We appreciate what this show is doing for survivors, and are excited to see where it could go.