Listen to Frank Ocean’s New Track ‘DHL’

Photo: Collier Schorr

In an unexpected departure from his other soulful singles, Ocean gives fans a futuristic track with heavy usage of layered vocals.

If you’ve been craving some new Frank Ocean lyrics to get lost in, then you are in luck. Ocean released a new track called “DHL” last week on Oct. 19, and it has been the talk of the town. Many of Ocean’s fans are surprised the artist decided to release any music this year, as he is known to take many hiatuses. It is the first original track he has released since 2017.


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The single cover art features a man on a chair with a paper bag over his head, which seems to have little to do with the song’s lyrics. The lyrics are not telling a story on this track. They ramble sleepily from getting a package in the mail to sexual activities in an uber. It is a futuristic-style track but considering Ocean’s penchant for withholding his new music for years, was potentially written years ago.

It came to fans’ anxiously waiting ears Saturday afternoon and debuted on Ocean’s Blonded Radio Show on Beats 1. It features some heavy usage of synth and a simple beat that compliments the chill lyrics. Savor the moment Ocean fans; this might be the last single we hear from the talented vocalist in a while.