Ray J Partners With LOOPShare to Create a Bike Company

The older we get, the more we realize how much we have to hustle now so we have all the free time when we’re older.
Ray J has begun to invest in his future by partnering his company, ScootEbike, with LOOPShare. LOOPShare is a bike-sharing company that has agreed to enter an asset purchase agreement with Raytroniks, allowing them to acquire ScootEbike. Raytroniks, Ray J’s electronics company, has already received an abundance of support from many celebrities. Recently, Diddy posted a video on Instagram riding around on his ScootEbike.
Since fun is just as important to mental health as food and shelter… I think I’ma beg my momma for a #scootebike feeling a lil depressed 🤔🤔🤔
— Jeniffer Ross (@JenifferRoss) November 21, 2018
This collaboration is said to hit the market in 2020. What’s so different about this company and the next bike company, you ask? How about a bunch of technological advances and digital dashboard services no other bike-sharing company has offered.
It’s simply a win-win situation. As LOOPShare is gaining a bunch of recognition, and visibility in the ride-sharing industry, Ray J has just got himself what could lead up to a billion-dollar company within the next two years.
#Ray J’s #Bike #Sharing #Company #ScootEbike / #LOOPShare #Projected To Make Over $200… https://t.co/BDBvtvH0KJ
— Gossip Press (@Gossippress) November 1, 2019
The word has gotten out about this partnership and everyone is here for it.