Check out How Colin Kaepernick Spent His Birthday


While many decide to celebrate their birthday by spoiling themselves, Colin Kaepernick decided to give to those in need instead. 

Just a few years ago, Colin Kaepernick began his “Know Your Rights Camp” campaign. This campaign’s goals are to raise awareness for higher education, to properly apply  law enforcement to the appropriate situation, as well as self-empowerment. Kaepernick decided to take a stand and create this organization to assist and empower those who have fallen into the trap of not knowing their rights, and making sure it does not happen again.

Many people have been inspired by Kaepernick’s campaign, taking to Twitter to praise the athlete.

Colin Kaepernick also recently turned 32. The athlete spent his day giving back to a community in Oakland, CA with the help of his “Know Your Rights Camp”. Together, they spent the day giving out backpacks which were filled with socks, soap, snacks, and other basic necessities. Along with this, he bought lunch for everyone from a local food truck.

It was very humbling to see such a well known celebrity settle down and spend his birthday around people who are fighting to make it in today’s society. Colin Kaepernick surely knows his rights, and knows how to make his fellow Americans feel loved and important.