Spelman College is the First HBCU to Create Chair in Queer Studies Named After Audre Lorde


Spelman College announces themselves as the first Historically Black College or University to create a chair in Queer studies.

With great action, comes a great inspiration. The chair will be named after Audre Lorde who was a feminist, civil rights activist, and poet. She has made a big impact on speaking up for same-gender-loving women and being involved in activist movements. Being an activist and a poet regarding the topic of same-gender-love caused a big push in the way society thought about the idea. This brought Spelman college to decide on naming the chair after her.

This chair will be posted in Spelman’s Women’s Research and Resource Center. They have already raised $4 million as an initiative. $2 million was provided by Spelman and the other $2 million was matched by philanthropist, Jon Stryker. Stryker supports the advances of LGBTQ human rights and is the founder of the Arcus Foundation.

Spelman will now be enabled to build their strength even more. What’s their most prized strength? Their educational inclusion. By showing their support to the LGBTQ community they’ll be able to display how much they value their students and how accepting they are of everyone regardless of their orientation or preferences.

According to Stryker, Spelman has always been at the top of the game when it came to supporting the LGBTQ community. Spelman College, with the help of Stryker, looks forward to bringing in awareness and furthering education on the study of sexuality and gender. They plan to see a lot more happen than just the placement of the chair.