Check out Newly Published Short Stories by Zora Neale Hurston

Harper Collins

Harper Collins Publishing House has revealed new short stories from the influential Harlem Renaissance leader Zora Neale Hurston

Harper Collins has announced that they will publish work from Zora Neale Hurston, the author, anthropologist, and filmmaker known for her powerful and influential American literature. With works such as Their Eyes Were Watching GodJonah’s Gourd Vine, and Mules and Men, the new Hurston project is titled, Hitting A Straight Lick With A Crooked Stick, and set to release January  14th, 2020. The short stories reveal the world around Zora Neale Hurston during challenging racial and economic times for African Americans.

Hitting a Straight Lick With a Crooked Stick reveals short stories written by Hurston that were lost and found through archives and periodicals. The book showcases not only serious cultural events, but also Hurston’s satirical humor, African America folk culture, and love.

With news about the release on the publication, one Twitter user tweeted about her excitement.

Make sure to check out Zora Neale Hurston’s short stories from Harper Collins’, Hitting A Straight Lick With A Crooked Stick. You will surely gain vast insight into her incredible and intellectual mind, while reading her voice in a new lens.