Interview: The Female News Anchors of E! Give You Your Daily Dose of Pop Culture, One Inspiring Woman at a Time

The Women of E! News cover everything from entertainment news to fashion and the British royal family, along with hard-hitting topics like #MeToo and Harvey Weinstein. While it might seem like E! News only covers the latest Hollywood happenings, that’s not the case at all. The diverse team of journalists cover issues that matter and inspire their viewers to stand up and speak out. Glitter chatted it up with some of the female anchors of E! News, including Carissa Culiner, co-host of “Daily Pop” & E! News correspondent; Erin Lim, host of “The Rundown” & E! News correspondent; Melanie Bromley, who is the E! News Chief Correspondent; Morgan Stewart, the co-host of “Nightly Pop” and “Daily Pop”; and Nina Parker, host of “Nightly Pop” & E! News Correspondent, to discuss how they began in the business, the best experience working on E! so far, their typical day, and advice for people wanting to become a journalist. All of these talented women have one thing in common: they report everything in entertainment news from the good, bad, to the sometimes downright ugly, taking their stories head-on and asking questions many only dream of asking. Read on to find out more about the amazing women of E! Television.

Photo: Drew Hermann

MELANIE BROMLEY / “E! News” Chief Correspondent

GLITTER: Best experience from working on E! News so far?

MELANIE: Being live during important news moments. It’s incredibly fulfilling to be able to talk directly to viewers as a story is breaking.

GLITTER: Did you always want to work in media?

MELANIE: I initially wanted to be a soil scientist. I actually did a degree in physical geography at university, but then as my final project, I looked into how media coverage influenced crime rates. After that, I became interested in the news business and ended up doing a Masters in journalism.

GLITTER: How do you make yourself stand apart from other journalists?

MELANIE: I am extremely passionate about news, and like to look beneath the surface of news stories and take a big-picture perspective on the issue; why does a particular story matter, what does it mean and what can we learn from it? I see celebrity news as a trojan horse for talking about much bigger issues that impact all of us.

GLITTER: Has social media changed the way people view celebrities and the British royal family? 

MELANIE: Definitely. It’s made celebrities more relatable and more accessible.

GLITTER: What makes an engaging story?

MELANIE: Something that evokes an emotional response. We might not know what it feels like to be Meghan Markle, but most of us understand what it feels like to fall head over heels in love.

To read Melanie’s full interview, download our Glitter app on iTunes now!

Photo: Aaron Poole

NINA PARKER / Co-Host, “Nightly Pop” + “E! News” Correspondent

GLITTER: What gave you the courage to pursue your dreams?

NINA: After getting my degree, I went four years without working in television. I was so miserable I decided I needed to get over my fear of failing and use that same energy to have faith in myself.

GLITTER: What was the most valuable lesson you learned from working with TMZ?

NINA: That having a real work ethic will help you succeed. Not taking shortcuts and realizing that long hours come with the job.

GLITTER: How did you stay motivated in all of your jobs?

NINA: Money! Just kidding… accomplishing goals I once dreamed about can be pretty surreal. It keeps me on track to keep pushing.

GLITTER: Best experience from working on E! News so far?

NINA: Getting DM’s and comments and emails from fans who love me for being me. In this business, so many things are praised that just aren’t real. I try to be as authentic as possible, and for people all over the globe to appreciate that means a lot.

To read Nia’s full interview, download our Glitter app on iTunes now!

Photo: Aaron Poole

MORGAN STEWART / Co-Host, “Nightly Pop” and “Daily Pop”

GLITTER: Best experience from working on E! News so far?

MORGAN: Everything! But the talent, I really love everybody.

GLITTER: Did you always want to work in media?

MORGAN: Always.

GLITTER: What is the best part of your job? Can you also tell us what some of the downfalls of being in the limelight are?

MORGAN: The best part of the job is being able to always be creative, and we always get to have a good time, even if life is a little nuts.

GLITTER: Best advice you were ever given?

MORGAN: Say Thank You.

GLITTER: When did you realize you first loved fashion?

MORGAN: I don’t remember a day I didn’t love it. EARLY on!

GLITTER: What is one fashion trend you wish would die?

MORGAN: Chokers – hate!

To read Morgan’s full interview, download our Glitter app on iTunes now!

Photo: Drew Hermann

ERIN LIM / Host, E! News’ “The Rundown” on Snapchat + “E! News” Correspondent

GLITTER: Best experience from working on E! News so far?

ERIN: Learning from the best co-hosts, and growing not only as a professional but as an individual at one of the top entertainment outlets in the world. Every day is the best experience ever.

GLITTER: Who is the most interesting celebrity you’ve interviewed?

ERIN: Samuel L. Jackson or The Rock.

GLITTER: Did you always want to work in media?  ERIN: ALWAYS.

GLITTER: What is the best part of your job? Can you also tell us what some of the downfalls of being in the limelight are?

ERIN: Best part is getting to talk to the biggest stars in the world and treating them like they’re my best friends. I hand-hugged Brad Pitt, you guys! Downfall is always having to be “on,” even on bad days. And when you love your job like I do, I don’t like taking days off and don’t know how to step back.

GLITTER: What can you tell us about the “E! News” Snapchat show, The Rundown?

ERIN: It’s the first of its kind and the best of its kind, honestly. We invented how you watch and consume news vertically. There wasn’t any show on Snapchat or anywhere period that looked like ours, and we didn’t have a rule book. Now when you see shows on Snapchat Discovery or Instagram, that’s because we paved the way with the first-ever bite-size show. It’s a comedic pop culture show with my silly, witty, and sometimes sarcastic takes on what’s going on in the entertainment world. I joke A LOT. I have an amazing team of people who have helped build and contribute to it. It’s not all me- I have dope writers, editors, and PA’s.

To read Erin’s full interview, download our Glitter app on iTunes now!

Photo: Drew Hermann

CARISSA CULINER / Co-Host, “Daily Pop” +  “E! News” Correspondent

GLITTER: What gave you the courage to pursue your dreams?

CARISSA: I think a part of me always knew if I didn’t, I would kick myself later in life. So I just went for it, but it also took the support of my family and friends to help push and encourage me when I hit bumps in the road.

GLITTER: How did you get your start in the business?

CARISSA: My earliest start was through internships – one at a radio station and one at a television station. That experience got me my first part-time job on-air in radio, which turned into my first full-time job in media – hosting an award-winning morning radio show!

GLITTER: Best experience from working on E! News so far?

CARISSA: Meeting so many amazing people. I’ve made lifelong friends at E! and through E! (doing interviews or going to events).

GLITTER: What do you love most about your work?

CARISSA: Doing the one hour of “Daily Pop!” We have so much fun. Even if the biggest stories that day are sad or heavy stories, we always still end up still lots of laughs and good conversations.

GLITTER: Did you always want to work in media?

CARISSA: For the most part, yes. I originally started in radio, then online news, and then made my way into television. I’ve enjoyed all three! I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t work in some sort of media. I would be a terrible doctor.

GLITTER: What career advice would you give to someone wanting to break into journalism?

CARISSA: Get your foot in the door! No matter what the job is, get your foot in the door of a company that you like, or that is similar to what your goal is. Work hard and hustle to move your way closer to your dream job. I think continually working in the industry in some way is important.

GLITTER: What is the best part of your job? Can you also tell us what some of the downfalls of being in the limelight are?

CARISSA: The best part of my job is having one that I have so much fun doing. I get so lost in our conversations on “Daily Pop” sometimes I forget we’re on TV. The downfalls of being in the limelight is the occasional online trolls, but don’t worry, they’re not keeping me up at night.

To read Carissa’s full interview along with the full Q and A’s for all the female anchors in our interview, download our Glitter app on iTunes now!