Prince Harry Celebrates Young Climate Change Activist


Prince Harry gave a speech on Sunday giving a special shout-out to young climate change activist, Greta Thunberg.

The Prince was in attendance at OnSide Awards at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Sunday, Nov. 17. He recited an inspiring speech to a young audience with a turnout of over 2,500 people. The Duke of Sussex mentioned his admiration for 16-year-old Greta Thunberg who is a Swedish environmental activist on climate change whose efforts have gained international attention and earned her over 8.2 Million followers on Instagram and 3 Million on Twitter.

Check out the Prince giving his speech and talking about Thunberg below.

The OnSide Awards event aims to encourage young people to continue in maximizing their efforts to try and take steps to “unlock your potential and realize the difference that you can make.”

The Duke of Sussex went on to say, “When Greta started her climate change protest she was just 15 years old—one voice, with just one placard, sitting on her own outside the Swedish parliament.” “Many people… actually, I should say, many adults… dismissed her. Yet today, millions upon millions of young people have joined her fight.”

Greta has released her book, “No One Is Too Small To Make A Difference,” saying that it “is an updated edition with more speeches.”

Attached to her Instagram biography is a link to an article done by the Independent outlining who Greta is and what she stands for. Make sure to follow her on her social media platforms, Instagram and Twitter, and read the article here.