Melissa Benoist Reveals She Is a Domestic Violence Survivor

Terence Patrick/CBS

Benoist gets vulnerable with fans on her Instagram and reveals the horrors of her previous relationship.

Supergirl star Melissa Benoist shows fans that even superheroes need help sometimes by revealing her history with domestic abuse via social media. Benoist posted a 14-minute video sharing the abuse she endured during an unspecified past relationship.


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Benoist details the way she met her abuser, and how “for a period of time [she] wasn’t interested. ” However, as their relationship  developed from friendship to romance, everything changed.

Benoist describes the shift in dynamic as speedy. According to the actress, the relationship went from psychological to violent abuse in a matter of months.

This revelation from the television superhero is a startlingly accurate example of how prevalent abuse can be. Benoist’s bravery in this endeavor to spread awareness is a welcome awakening to the fact that anyone can suffer from domestic violence. She leads by example, reminding fans that there is no shame in getting the help you need.

If you are in crisis and need assistance to find a safe way out call the domestic violence hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).