Mel Brooks and His Son Stress the Importance of Social Distancing


The comedy legend, Mel Brooks, who’s 93 years old, created a PSA with his son that explains why it’s so important to be isolated during this strange time in the world.

The video begins with his son Max in front of a glass door and Mel Brooks on the other side. Max explains that if he were to get the virus he would probably be fine, however, if he passed onto his father it could be detrimental. Passing it onto his father could have a domino effect and infect all his other friends who are also around the same age as him.

Max was worried about wiping out a generation of comedians. He acknowledges the fact that people less at risk need to be diligent and practice social distancing, avoid crowds, wash their hands, keep their distance and stay home if they don’t need to be outside.

Max has gone beyond creating a video to stress the importance of social distancing. He is encouraging his fans on his Twitter to continue to do so because it’ll be the only way to stop the spread of the virus.