Listen to These Podcasts to Become an Official Podcast Lover While Social-Distancing


We are sure you’ll get hooked on at least one of these podcasts and be entertained for hours.

For many people, listening to podcasts is part of their daily routine whether it be listening to one during the morning commute, or a time to relax before bed. Now that everyone’s routines are changing drastically and it seems like we all have extra free time on our hands, podcasts are a great way to entertain yourself. Whether you are an expert podcast listener or are ready to dip your toes into it, we are sure you will love these podcasts.

The Daily

With so much news going on, it can be hard to keep up and figure out what is real and what is not. The Daily is the New York Times’ daily podcast hosted by journalist Michael Barbaro. Recently, the podcast has been covering news about the coronavirus pandemic, and has been interviewing people such as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Home Cooking

Samin Nosrat, chef and author of Salt Fat Acid Heat, and Hrishikesh Hirway are making cooking at home during quarantine easier for us that may not really know our way around a kitchen. They allow listeners to record a voice memo and send it to their email, to then answer the question on their podcast.

Life Kit

Life Kit is an NPR podcast that makes managing everyday life just a little bit easier. Since many Americans are sheltered in place, the podcast offers advice on how to adjust to this new way of living through creative solutions. It also has sub-podcasts such as Life Kit: Parenting, Life Kit: Health, and Life Kit: Money for those that want help in a specific area.

The Kids Are All…Home

Have kids running around the house and don’t know what to do? This new podcast from Pineapple Street Studios is designed by kids, for kids. Pineapple Street Studios has kids from all over share their own little podcasts where they can talk about how to stay safe, what they do if they are bored, and fun new snacks to try.

Reply All

Reply All has been a long-running podcast hosted by Alex Goldman and PJ Vogt. It is a podcast about how people use the internet and how the internet shapes us. This may sound like a technology podcast, but it focuses on the human stories within the surface of technology.

Listen to one of the podcasts above to stay entertained during this pandemic.