Prepare to Be Entertained by Leslie Jordan’s Instagram

Tina Thorpe/NBC

The Will & Grace actor has been sharing countless videos and stories on Instagram that will be sure to keep you entertained.

Leslie Jordan’s Instagram followers went from about one hundred thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand in one night. Today he has 1.5 million followers on Instagram. Jordan gained all of this popularity simply by sharing videos of himself doing day-to-day activities during the quarantine. Although he has been sharing his humorous videos for some time now, people are relating more to his most recent ones as we all are trying to find new ways to entertain ourselves.


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ONE MILLION INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS. #mrbigstuff #smartypants #knowitall #fullofshit

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The posts videos about two times a day and at all times of the day. Like a lot of us, his sleep schedule has been a little crazy so he even posts videos in the middle of the night when he can’t sleep. There is no structure to the videos and Jordan will talk about anything including show-biz stories and personal reminiscing. It is almost like a quarantine video diary.


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Baritone ukulele. #hardtotune #mydaddy #funnysongs

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The pandemic has people looking for different ways to stay entertained and Jordan surely does not disappoint. Since he has a larger following, he has been posting more and each post is funnier than the last. Before the spread of the virus, Jordan had planned to travel the country to perform his one-man cabaret show, “Exposed.” Now fans who were going to see him on tour can still watch Jordan perform.

Keep up with Leslie Jordan and watch his hilarious Instagram videos.