Find out Why There’s so Much Buzz Around Fiona Apple’s New Album

Epic Records

Apple’s first album in 8 years, Fetch the Bolt Cutters is receiving glowing reviews from fans and critics.

Fiona Apple has not released an album since 2012 so fans are more than excited for her new album Fetch the Bolt Cutters. This album’s sound is quite unlike anything anyone has ever heard. Pitchfork, an American online magazine that writes about music, has given Apple’s album a 10 rating. This is the first time in a decade that the magazine has given an album a 10, the last time being Kanye West’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy in 2010.

The album focuses mainly on Apple’s voice, piano, and her words which have always been her primary instrument. It also includes raw, real-life sounds such as handclapping, chants, whispers, screams, and even dog barking according to Pitchfork. The album strays from her typical pop sound and creates its own kind of genre.

Many of Apple’s works are full of emotion and this one is no exception. She faced a backlash from male critics during her earlier years who would call her immature for her honesty. This album dedicates many songs to young girls and the women they become. She expresses how societal norms and insecurities can shape a woman’s life.

Stay up to date with Fiona Apple and listen to her new album Fetch the Bolt Cutters.