Mark Ruffalo’s Sweet ’13 Going on 30′ Tribute Will Warm Your Heart

Terence Patrick/CBS Ã

It has been 16 years since the movie was released and Mark Ruffalo wanted to reminisce with fans.

Fans can’t believe that it has been 16 years since the release of 13 Going on 30 starring Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo. Ruffalo wanted to celebrate the film’s anniversary on social media, reminding many fans that it is time to rewatch this favorite rom-com. For those who may not have seen it or maybe forget, the film follows Jenna Rink, played by Garner, whose wish to become 30 on her 13th birthday comes true. Jenna then learns that adulthood may not be as fun as she hoped.

On Twitter, Ruffalo posted a photo of him and Garner from the movie with the caption, “Happy Anniversary to 13 Going on 30 today! Remember what the world was like when Razzles were all the rage? Missing that time.” The razzles he is referencing is the candy in the film that transforms into gum. He also is not the only one who is missing it.

Many fans chimed in with their love of the movie and commented on their favorite quotes and scenes. One fan referenced a scene from the movie that perfectly represents everyone’s feelings during the pandemic. The user wrote, “I think everyone needs fresh air, a glass of water and a fluffy pillow more than ever right now.”

Make watching 13 Going on 30 part of your weekend plans whether you’ve never seen the movie or have seen it countless times.