You’ll Be Surprised by Britney Spears’ Most Recent Release


Spears shocked fans with a new cover for her 2016 album Glory.

Music is one of the few things that is helping everyone get through these tough times. Listening to your favorite artist and belting out the lyrics to every song is a wonderful feeling, and fans of pop divas want everyone to feel that way. Recently, fans of pop music divas want to have their favorite artist’s less popular albums reach the top of the charts to get the recognition they deserve.

Britney Spears’ fans, or the Britney Army, rallied together to get her 2016 album Glory to the top of the charts. Spears noticed all the hard work her fans were doing and posted a video message thanking them for this amazing surprise. All their hard work paid off because Glory reached number one on the iTunes charts four years after its initial release.

Spears decided she needed to thank her fans even more and surprise-dropped new album cover art for Glory. Many fans were not fond of the blandness of the original cover art, so Spears decided to spice it up. She switched from an up close shot of her dressed in lace to her chin to her lounging in the desert in a golden bathing suit. The new album cover was shot by Dave LaChappelle and was considered for the original album artwork back in 2016.

Stay up to date with Britney Spears and check out (or revisit) her 2016 album Glory.