Selena Gomez Gives Inspiring Advice to Graduates from Immigrant Families


Due to the pandemic, students are missing out on important memories including their graduation ceremonies. Many of these ceremonies are being held virtually, now.

On May 23, Selena Gomez joined other stars to help recognize the class of 2020 for their accomplishments. During the #Immigrad 2020 Virtual Commencement, Selena Gomez shared a heartfelt message with immigrant graduates. The #Immigrad campaign, which began in 2017, highlights the stories of high school graduates who come from immigrant families.

The singer started by congratulating the students and went on to share her own family’s story of coming to the United States from Mexico. She encouraged students to take time to celebrate their accomplishments and reminded them that they can become anything they want to be.

She then concluded by saying “I’m sending all of my love to you guys today and congratulations and I hope that you guys are set off to be everything that you want to be.”

To view more of her speech watch the video below. Selena’s message begins around the 40:00 mark.