See What Billie Eilish Has to Say About People’s “Opinions” of Her Body

Billie Eilish uses social media to tell the world that what people think of her is not her “responsibility.”
On Tuesday night, singer-songwriter Billie Eilish used social media to share the short film, NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY, to let everyone know that the way she dresses is not open for judgment. The film, which can be viewed on YouTube and Instagram, opens up with Eilish asking viewers, “Do you know me- really know me?”
“Some people hate what I wear; some people praise it,” she says. “You have opinions about my opinions, about my music, about my clothes, about my body,” she says. Eilish points out that everyone has a right to their own opinion, but that people’s opinion on her and how she chooses to live her life is not her “responsibility.”
The video was originally seen in March on her Where Do We Go? Tour, but now she’s letting the world hear what she has to say. “Nothing I do goes unseen, so while I feel your stares, your disapproval… or your sighs of relief,” she says, “if I lived by them, I’d never be able to move.”
In the past, the star has even revealed that she wears baggy clothes just so that people can’t shame her.
Eilish has always been a one-of-a-kind star, allowing herself to be who she truly wants and not let people’s thoughts and comments affect her personality. She concludes the film by saying, “We decide who they are. We decide what they’re worth. If I wear more if I wear less, who decides what that makes me? What does that mean? Is my value-based only on your perception? Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?”
Hopefully, this 18-year-old singer will finally get those judgy and over-opinionated “fans” of hers to realize body-shaming never has, and never will be “cool.” There’s nothing better than a girl who sticks up for what she believes in.