Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Writes Op-Ed in Los Angeles Times on Racism and Injustice


Former LA Lakers basketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar pens an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times on racism and the injustices within our society.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar offers an honest stance on the judgment surrounding George Floyd’s murder and the protests, stating “what I want to see is not a rush to judgment, but a rush to justice.” Abdul-Jabbar also describes how people are “pushed to the edge…because they want to live. To breathe.” The former basketball star goes on to write that “African Americans have been living in a burning building for many years, choking on the smoke as the flames burn closer and closer.”

The time for justice is long overdue. Racism is inherent in our institutions, and as Abdul-Jabbar says, we must “stay vigilant” to create change, especially as racism is “always still in the air.”

To read his full Op-Ed for more information, check out his tweet below with the included link.

Following publication, Abdul-Jabbar has received love and support for his article, as apparent in the tweets below.

Abdul-Jabbar appeared on ESPN Monday morning, June 1, to discuss his Op-Ed and share his opinion on current events. One particularly powerful and moving statement he made was: “go out there and make a friend with someone who doesn’t look like us.” Watch his full interview below.

Like many other celebrities and citizens, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is ready for a change. He is using his voice and platform to speak out on racism and injustice. So don’t let his words fall upon deaf ears; take them to heart, and strive to find ways in your own life to dismantle structural racism.