Etsy Donates $1 million in the Fight Against Racial Inequality and Mass Incarceration


Etsy has recently announced that it has donated $500,000 to Equal Justice Initiative and $500,000 to Borealis Philanthropy’s Blac-Led Movement Fund.

Etsy, a large online market platform, which allows people to both sell and buy handmade goods, has donated a significant sum of money to two organizations, which battle racial injustice every day.

Etsy stated that it not only supports Black Lives Matter and openly condemns police brutality in all forms but that it also encourages all of the Etsy community to donate and understand that we have a chance to make a change if we unite together.

Equal Justice Initiative, to which Etsy donated $500,000, works to end mass incarceration, which disproportionately affects people of color and the poor. It also works to fight against racially biased capital punishment and police abuse of racial minorities. Borealis Philanthropy’s Black-Led Movement Fund, to which Etsy also donated $500,000, is a philanthropic intermediary that connects grantmakers to organizations, such as Black Lives Matter, Black Excellence Collective, Black Transwomen, Inc, and many more.


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To the communities across the US who are voicing their anguish, anger, and deep frustration with systems that oppress and devalue Black lives, we stand in solidarity with you. The past days and weeks have, once again, shone a spotlight on the tremendous injustices in our society. Etsy is built on a belief that communities have the power to change the status quo. We believe that it’s critical to provide support to organizations working tirelessly for criminal justice reform and those that assist Black-led institutions. That’s why today we are announcing donations of $500,000 to Equal Justice Initiative (@eji_org) and $500,000 to Borealis Philanthropy’s Black-Led Movement Fund, in addition to matching employee donations. We encourage our community to join us in supporting organizations that are leading the fight for change. #blacklivesmatter

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Your voice matters, and each one of us can make a positive change. Support Black-owned businesses, donate money, attend peaceful marches and protests, and fight against injustice because silence is compliance.