Take Care of Black Lives and Minds With These Virtual Therapy Resources

We’ve compiled a list of some amazing sites aimed specifically at the Black community.
With growing tensions in America, the fight for racial justice can be exhausting, but people are coming together to share resources offering much-needed love for Black mental health! According to the National Alliance on Mental Health Illness, African American adults are 10% more likely to experience serious psychological distress. It’s now more important than ever to ensure mental health resources are made available for Black communities.
First up is Sista Afya. Named after its founder, this online mental wellness community provides monthly support groups, therapy sessions, and workshops for Gen Z and Millennial Black women. Their upcoming session, on June 28th, is called “Processing the Movement”, which will be discussing how to cope with current events and facing the underlying issues that sparked them.
The AAKOMA Project gives youths of color an invaluable platform of knowledge on mental health support, facilitating conversations on wellbeing, and offering a helping hand to other youths suffering in their local communities.
Ethel’s Club is a vibrant, virtual hub for the BIPOC community, providing in-depth, live-streamed conversations aiming to heal young black minds troubled by racial injustice. It’s an environment sparking mindfulness and creativity to overcome the grief of racism – a message we stand by every day.
Just like the fight for equality, our conversation over mental health can never stop. Take some time to care of your mind – and be sure to reach out and check-up on your friend’s mental health too.