Yara Shahidi Will Discuss Social Justice in Noor Tagouri’s ‘At Your Service Hour’

Freeform/Troy Harvey

Tune in to Noor Tagouri’s Instagram Live Tuesday at 12 PM EST to hear what Yara Shahidi has to say about committing to social justice. 

Tagouri is a Lybian-American journalist, producer, and activist. Each week she holds At Your Service Hours every weekday at 12 PM EST through Instagram Live. Tomorrow’s At Your Service Hour features Shahidi and will discuss how to commit to a cause. You can submit questions for Shahidi by typing them into the question box posted to Tagouri’s Instagram story.

“You have something you care about, something you believe in, something that you are trying to make a commitment to fight for every single day. Especially right now, that is equality,” said Tagouri in a recent Instagram story. “So how do we incorporate these commitments into our everyday lives? That is what we are going to be talking about with Yara.”

Tagouri interviewed Teen Vogue’s editor-in-chief Lindsay Peoples Wagner Monday about how to use your platform during this time.

“I want people to realize that you have to check your own house before you try to educate others,” said Peoples-Wagner in Tagouri’s Instagram live. “You cannot go on your platform and all of the sudden now post all these black brands and ‘this black designer is great and this black beauty brand is great,’ and I do one swipe on your feed and it’s only white people… That’s what we call ‘performative.’”

Learn how to use your influence to hold accountability with Tremaine Emory on Wednesday, why dismantling racism is not a trend with Rachel Aschalew on Thursday and the connection between trauma and social media with Mariel Buque on Friday.

Tagouri’s company At Your Service is a storytelling platform that emphasizes collaboration and offers original content, live experiences, and brand consulting. The company prioritizes integrity and intention and shares stories that connect people. 

Follow Tagouri on Instagram to keep up with the At Your Service Hour events, and tune in on the At Your Service Instagram page.