Adidas’ Black Employees Say Their Company Needs to Do More Than Post for Black Lives Matter


Black employees from Adidas spoke out and expressed that their employer was not doing enough to combat racial discrimination.

In recent news, employees of Adidas have spoken up and stated the company does not do enough to support their Black employees. Some workers have even walked out and told Adidas to do more to foster an environment of support. After receiving this backlash, Adidas drafted a plan and came up with a solution.

Over the course of the next four years, Adidas will be donating $20 million towards its programs that support African Americans, including the Adidas Legacy, the Adidas School for Experiential Education in Design, and Honoring Black Excellence. Adidas will also be financing fifty university scholarships at partner schools for their Black employees for the next five years.

Another newfound goal of the company is to hire more black and diverse employees. About 30% of new positions within Adidas will be filled by Black and Latinx applicants.

While Adidas may be late in the game to support Black Lives Matter and foster diversity within their brand, they are now creating a plan of action to help support their employees. These advancements would not have been made if it weren’t for the Black employees who spoke up.


Clearly, change is necessary for many companies and more equality must be found within brands. Adidas is now expressing their future plans, and we hope this sparks initiative both within and outside the company to create more justice in the workplace.