‘This Is Us’ Actor Lonnie Chavis Shares His Experiences With Racism

Mitchell Haddad/NBC

Lonnie Chavis is a wise 12-year-old, sharing his experiences with racism in hopes to teach us and educate us more about the inequality within the world.

The anti-bullying advocate had a hard time putting into words how he felt about the death of George Floyd. After careful thought, what was only a letter to his mom turned into a letter for the world to see. It is a letter involving the sad, harsh reality of racism this child star has encountered in his short time on earth thus far.


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stop killing us! ✊🏽 i need my dad and my brothers to survive 💯🖤

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He starts off by stating his confusion on the whole topic, and how he “had to lean on [his] faith in Christ for hope, protection, and understanding.” He learned “about being Black and what that would mean for [him at] 7 years old.”

Chavis continues with multiple examples of his experiences as a Black boy in a Black family. He recalled one time while working on set when he “started crying listening to an actor portray a racist grandmother toward [his] character. The director and writers told [him] they didn’t need [him] to cry for the scene.” Chavis wasn’t trying to cry for the scene, it just happened because of how serious and painful the scene was for him. Then he had “to explain to a room full of white people why [he] couldn’t hold back [his] real tears.”

Read his other examples below as well as his full post to understand his pain and struggle growing up. It is definitely worth the read.


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‘America Needs To Change’ – LC @people #FixYourHeartAmerica

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This is the harsh reality many Black families face, no matter what profession they are in. As Chavis wrote, “policies need to change, laws need to change…hearts need to change, America needs to change.” It is true. Black citizens should not have to live in fear every day because of the color of their skin.